High hopes and good intentions As if those were ever enough Something more must be necessary But only God knows what Hard work, dedication, commitment Those are all necessary too But there's something else Maybe it's luck Or maybe it's fate or karma Some special...
I Am Your Money
I am a rich man's dream And a poor man's prison People lie, cheat, steal and kill for me It's hard to say Whether I am the cause Or the solution To all of life's problems People can't get enough of me No matter how much they have Like an addiction But it's not called...
The Eyes and the Heart
The eyes wander But the heart stays The eyes are like children Running this way and that But the heart is like a wise old man Who always knows exactly where he belongs And is never in a hurry The eyes are easily distracted But the heart remains undisturbed The eyes...
Thank You
Thank you For doing the right thing Even though no one saw And probably never will Thank you For being kind to others Even on the hard days Especially on the hard days Thank you For picking up trash At the beach And protecting the environment Thank you For tipping...
An Underwater Mansion
The titanic vessel lurches and lists All aboard know Something has gone horribly wrong The captain is mad And has been mad Since long before they left port There's a mutiny on the deck And no one can agree How to right the ship The captain deploys loyalist thugs To...
Obama Poem
I saw a photo of Obama the other day with a caption that said, "Describe him in one word." The first word that came to mind was "hero." But then several other words came to mind as well, so I wrote them down. This poem is called Obama. Hero Pioneer Father Husband...