

Life Lessons From A Drawing Class
I recently took a beginner drawing class online on Udemy, and I highly recommend it if you're interested in drawing.  It's called "The Art & Science of Drawing / BASIC SKILLS" by Brent Eviston.  It was affordable and well worth the time.  There were a lot of great...
Epic Mission to Ghana Drawing (August 25, 2019)
This drawing is called ''Epic Mission to Ghana." I can’t wait to move to Ghana in January with Peace Corps. More art posts by Eddie. Watch Eddie’s videos.
Shakespeare the Turtle Drawing (July 29, 2019)
This is a drawing I did of my Turtle.  His name is Shakespeare.  I have no time for dating, but I still make time for projects like this.  I’ve been under a million pounds of stress lately, but it was nice to forget about those things for a while when I was doing...
Life Lessons From A Drawing Class

Life Lessons From A Drawing Class

I recently took a beginner drawing class online on Udemy, and I highly recommend it if you're interested in drawing.  It's called "The Art & Science of Drawing / BASIC SKILLS" by Brent Eviston.  It was affordable and well worth the time.  There were a lot of great...

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Shakespeare the Turtle Drawing (July 29, 2019)

Shakespeare the Turtle Drawing (July 29, 2019)

This is a drawing I did of my Turtle.  His name is Shakespeare.  I have no time for dating, but I still make time for projects like this.  I’ve been under a million pounds of stress lately, but it was nice to forget about those things for a while when I was doing...

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