

Life Lessons From A Drawing Class
I recently took a beginner drawing class online on Udemy, and I highly recommend it if you're interested in drawing.  It's called "The Art & Science of Drawing / BASIC SKILLS" by Brent Eviston.  It was affordable and well worth the time.  There were a lot of great...
The Secret to Living Your Dreams
Everybody starts with dreams.  But then the world beats them up and tells them to get a job instead.  Most people listen because they don't think they have a choice.  It's that, or get beat up again.  Others don't listen and keep chasing their dreams no matter how...
How To Escape The Maze
We go through society looking for money like mice go through a maze looking for cheese.  We are attached to the cheese, so we are attached to the maze.  To break free from the cheese is to break free from the whole maze.   As long as you feel the need for more cheese,...
How to Obtain Spiritual Fulfillment

How to Obtain Spiritual Fulfillment

Happiness Requires Spiritual Fulfillment Listening to the old men talk is one of my favorite things about coming to the coffee shop.  They're great conversationalists, and I like to think that's why they made it long enough to be old men.  One day I want to be an old...

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How to Be Original: Connect with the Spirit

How to Be Original: Connect with the Spirit

What is Originality? The defining characteristic of a great artist is originality.  Think of any great artist in any genre: music, painting, poetry, or literature.  Then ask yourself if anyone like them ever came before them.  The answer is no, and that is what makes...

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Why I Write About My Life

Why I Write About My Life

Write To Share Beauty Why do I feel compelled to write about my life?  Because I find it beautiful.  Because I find the people in it beautiful.  Because I find the whole Universe beautiful.  What a shame it would be if I hid that beauty because of what someone else...

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