Why I Write About My Life

by | Feb 25, 2019 | Essays

Write To Share Beauty

Why do I feel compelled to write about my life?  Because I find it beautiful.  Because I find the people in it beautiful.  Because I find the whole Universe beautiful.  What a shame it would be if I hid that beauty because of what someone else thought I should do.

Write To Process Pain

Writing helps me process pains and difficulties and keeps me from feeling overwhelmed.  Most of the time, I don’t share these writings with anybody.  I write them in my journal and leave them there.  But sometimes, I share the difficulties and hardships in my life and how I was able to process or overcome them.

I sometimes share the hard parts of my life because I want people to know they are not alone.  Knowing that you are not alone in your struggles and that others are going through the same thing is helpful.  You feel less isolated and realize that many people have similar struggles.  This takes the gravity out of them.

Write To Connect With People

There have been many times when I got comfort from reading and writing.  I gained comfort from reading about people who were in similar situations as me.  Often I found solutions by reading about other people’s experiences.  But even if there were no solutions, at least I felt less alone.  Feeling less alone is a win, especially when you are struggling.

If I can accomplish anything in writing, I want to make people feel less alone.  That’s what reading and writing have done for me, and that’s the gift I want to give others.  I want the people like me to know that they are not alone, and I want them to feel like they have a friend in me even though we’ve never met.

I may not be able to solve other people’s problems, but I can at least make them feel less alone and offer whatever knowledge I have gained through my experiences.  This is as noble of a calling as any if you ask me.

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