The Complete List of Spanish Boxing Terms

by | Aug 12, 2023 | Spanish, Fitness

Spanish Boxing Terms

If you want to train boxing in a Spanish-speaking country, it will be important to know the terminology.  Here is a list of the words you will need to discuss boxing in Spanish.

Offensive Techniques

punch = golpe
jab = jab
cross = cruzado
straight punch = recto
hook = gancho
uppercut = úper /corte ascendente
to lead (punch) = acomodar
to power punch = rematar
a power punch = remate
overhand = golpe por encima / golpe por arriba
combination = combinación
gancho al higado = liver shot
feint = finta
to feint = hacer una finta

Defensive Techniques

the guard = la guardia
to block = bloquear
parry = desviar
slip = quiebre de cintura
roll = rodar
to duck = esquivar / agacharse
to evade = evadir / evitar
to cover = cubrirse

Other Moves (including fouls)

to push = empujar
a push = empujón
to hold / tie-up = ammarar / abrazar
a hold = amarre / abrazo
headbutt = cabezazo
to slip = resbalar
a slip = resbalón
to throw = tirar
to knock down / to knock over = tumbar
to clench = agarrar
to trip = tropezar
a trip = tropezón
footwork = trabajo de piernas
to break = separar
a step on the foot = pisotón
golpe bajo = low blow
rabbit punch (punch to the back of the head) = golpe a la nuca
foul = faúl
head lock = candado
eye poke = piquete de ojos
to poke the eye = picar el ojo

The Ring

ring = ring / cuadrilátero / pancracio
bell = la campana
corner = la esquina
ropes = las cuerdas
canvas = la lona
the ringing of the bell = campanada


bruise = moretón
black eye = moretón / ojo morado
swelling = hinchazón
swollen = hinchado
blood = sangre
bleeding = sangrado
concussion = concusión
dizzy = mareado
wound / injury = herida / lesión
a cut = un corte
hurt = lastimado


round = round / asalto
knockout = nocaut / fuera de combate / sacar de combate
knockdown = caída
slip (fall) = resbalón
scorecards = tarjetas
the score = puntuación / puntaje
warning = advertencia

The People

announcer = anunciador
referee = referí
promoter = promotor
the corner team = equipo de la esquina
entrenador = trainer
cut man = cut man
aguador / utilero = water man / tape man
promotion = promotora
contrincante = opponent
the doctor = el médico / doctor


shadowboxing = boxeo solo
to train = entrenar
to run = correr
to jump rope = brincar la cuerda
to spar = hacer sparring
heavy bag = bolsa de boxear / el costal / bolsa de pegar
speed bag = la pera
to drill = boxeo rápido
sparring partner = sparring
team = equipo

The Tools

handwraps = las vendas / vendaje
gloves = guantes
ounces = onzas
endswell = endswell
bucket = cubeta
headgear = casco / protector de la cabeza
mouthpiece = protector
ice = hielo
water = agua
vaseline = vaselina

The Body

area directly below the eye = pómulo
head = la cabeza
body = el cuerpo
eye = el ojo
nose = la nariz
mouth = la boca
lip = el labio
legs = las piernas
feet = los pies
fist = el puño
hand = la mano
chin = la barbilla / mentón
elbow = el codo

The Results

bout / match / fight = pelea
record = record
belt = cinturón / fajillo
champion = campeón
championship = campeonato
win = la victoria
loss = la derrota
draw / tie = empate
decision = decisión
split draw = empate dividido
unanimous draw = empate unánime
majority draw = empate mayoritario
majority decision = decisión dividida
unanimous decision = decisión unanime
no contest = no contest / pelea no decidida / pelea nula
TKO = nocaut técnico
title = el título

The Weigh-In

the weigh-in = el pesaje
weight classes = los pesos / las categorías de peso
to make weight = dar el peso
to miss weight = no dar el peso
the scale = la vascula

Weight Classes

heavyweight = peso pesado / peso completo
cruiserweight = peso crucero
light heavyweight = peso semi completo / semi pesado
super middleweight = peso super mediano
middleweight = peso mediano / peso medio
welterweight = peso welter
lightweight = peso ligero
featherweight = peso pluma
bantamweight = peso gallo
flyweight = peso mosca
straw weight= peso paja / peso minimo
atom weight = peso átomo

Other Boxing Vocabulary

to land flush = pegar pleno
phonebooth / toe-to-toe fighter = fijador
close match = pelea cerrada
to threaten = amenazar
a threat = amenaza
damage = perjuicio / daño
southpaw (left-handed) = zurdo
orthodox (right-handed) = diestro
height = la altura
reach = el alcance
age = la edad
nationality = la nacionalidad
to bet = apostar
to recover = recuperarse
interviews = entrevistas
time = tiempo
money = dinero
boxer / pugilist = boxeador / pugilista
tickets = los boletos
cameras = las camaras
below the belt = debajo del cinturón

Kickboxing / Muay Thai / MMA Terms

spinning kick = patada de vuelta
submission = sometimiento / sumision
to submit = someter
to wrestle = luchar
eye gauge = sacar los ojos
to leg lock = atrapar la pierna
to choke = estrangular
a choke = estrangulación
the cage = la jaula
the octagon = el octágano
to mount = encimarse
check (kick) = bloqueo
a takedown = tirada
to take down = tirar / tumbar
clench = agarrar
body kick = patada al cuerpo
teep = patada frontal
low kick = patada baja
head kick = patada a la cabeza
knee = rodilla

Any other Spanish boxing terms you want to know? Ask me in the comments.

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