A Man With Good Sense

by | Apr 12, 2019 | Poems

A man with good sense
Is humble
And learns from everything
And everyone

A man with good sense
Pays attention to the feelings of those he loves
And makes it his objective
To make them feel good

A man with good sense
Is patient
And knows things will happen
As they’re meant to

A man with good sense leads with his heart
Because he’s conscious
That the mind knows nothing

A man with good sense
Doesn’t judge himself or others
Because he’s too busy enjoying the moment

A man with good sense
Tells the truth
Because he knows the truth
Is both a shield and a sword
And will protect him from evil

A man with good sense
Can discern who is believable
Because he himself is believable
Because he tells the truth
And keeps an open mind

A man with good sense
Realizes that his power lies
Not in other people’s opinions about him
But in his own truth

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