

Getting Back Up
High hopes and good intentions As if those were ever enough Something more must be necessary But only God knows what Hard work, dedication, commitment Those are all necessary too But there's something else Maybe it's luck Or maybe it's fate or karma Some special...
I Am Your Money
I am a rich man's dream And a poor man's prison People lie, cheat, steal and kill for me It's hard to say Whether I am the cause Or the solution To all of life's problems People can't get enough of me No matter how much they have Like an addiction But it's not called...
The Eyes and the Heart
The eyes wander But the heart stays The eyes are like children Running this way and that But the heart is like a wise old man Who always knows exactly where he belongs And is never in a hurry The eyes are easily distracted But the heart remains undisturbed The eyes...
Standing Out

Standing Out

Maybe I stand out Because I'm beautiful Maybe I stand out Because I'm a bum But these motherfuckers Can't stop looking at me I'll tell you that Everywhere I go Every single day They can't stop looking Turning their neck Like they've seen A goddamn celebrity Maybe they...

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Civil Disobedience

Civil Disobedience

The single greatest act Of civil disobedience The single greatest act Of rebellion against society Is to be happy Read more poems by Eddie. Watch Eddie’s videos.

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I want to go So long Without doing paperwork That I forget What it's like To do paperwork I want to forget That I ever knew What it was like To do paperwork I want to forget As if I never knew At all From now on I'll tell them I'm allergic to paperwork I get a...

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Ant Farm

Ant Farm

People on top of people On top of people A giant farm Of angry ants Burnt out From scrambling Their days away Racing from one buck To the next One at a time As soon as you get one The next one is due Sleep just long enough To get the next one tomorrow Like a fiend But...

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There are about ten people Who I actually want here The rest are just traffic Not even good for watching Because they aren't doing much There's not much getting done At all Just a bunch of traffic Read more poems by Eddie. Watch...

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Nice Suit

Nice Suit

That's a nice suit You've got Even though You don't know Why you're wearing it I bet you think You're wearing it For work But you're not You're wearing it For money The false god Everyone prays to You wear it To be powerful But your suit Owns you More than you Will...

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