

11 Interesting Facts About Ghana
1) The earliest evidence of human civilization in Ghana is 50,000 B.C. 2) Ghana is at or near the geographic center of the world (0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude is off the coast of Ghana). 3) Ghana is an English speaking country, but is surrounded on three...
Back to Work Again
Today I was upset because my Mom said she is likely going back to work again.  My Mom has helped me a bunch of times since I went from attorney to whatever I am now.  I am either a bum or an entrepreneur.  I can't be sure either way, but I have to say that I work more...
Freedom Fighting: The Nature Of The Fray

Freedom fighting takes many forms. This is mine.

Why You Should Meditate 20 Minutes Daily

Why You Should Meditate 20 Minutes Daily

How to Meditate I meditate for 20 minutes per day. I use a special meditation chair because it allows me to sit comfortably for the duration of the exercise. I sit cross-legged (Native style) or in a half-lotus. I place my palms on my lap. I close my eyes. I focus...

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Audit The Government’s Budget Annually

Audit The Government’s Budget Annually

Why Government Budget Accountability Matters I watched Fox News for about ten minutes the other day because my friend was.  My friend is politically liberal, so I asked him why he was watching Fox.  He said he was trying to become more tolerant.  I found that...

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Haircuts And Other Jobs Better Left To The Pros

Haircuts And Other Jobs Better Left To The Pros

I got a haircut today, which is remarkable only because I decided to pay for it. I thought about busting out the clippers and doing it myself or calling up one of the homies and taking my chances. But I didn't do that. I went to the barber instead. He cleaned me up...

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2 Daily Practices to Become A Great Writer

2 Daily Practices to Become A Great Writer

I take it as a compliment when people tell me they want to be a writer.  It implies that they see me as a writer.  Being recognized as a writer feels good because I have worked hard at it.  When people ask me for writing advice, I give them two tips.  These two daily...

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The Joys of Running Shirtless

The Joys of Running Shirtless

I went running shirtless today.  It wasn't particularly warm out.  It was kind of chilly, actually.  There was still some mist in the air from the rains.  But I went running shirtless, anyway, because I could.  It's liberating.  Especially when no one else is...

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