The Ride – David Allan Coe (Cover by Eddie Signaigo)

by | Mar 10, 2025 | Music | 0 comments


This song is, in my opinion, one of the greatest country songs ever written.  David Allan Coe is one of the all-time great storytellers in country music, and this song is an all-time great story.  The protagonist is hitchhiking from Montgomery, Alabama when he encounters the ghost of Hank Williams – who gives him a ride to Nashville and warns him about the dangers of country music stardom.

This song is steeped in folklore and I can’t help but feel connected to the past legends of country music when I listen to it.  Woody Guthrie, Hank Williams, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, George Jones, Kris Kristofferson – the original country artists that paved the way for everyone after them.  I would include Willie Nelson on that list, but Willie is still alive and touring at 91 years old.  My man!  There are other country music legends who belong on that list, as well.  I don’t mean to leave anyone out.

Hank Williams Jr. – the son of Hank Williams – did a great cover of this song.  This song makes me want to pack up, move to the South, and become a good old-fashioned country boy.


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