Today I found myself thinking, what would my life stand for if I died today? What would everything I’ve done up to this point mean? What would be my contribution to society? Have I contributed to society? If I had to make a contribution to humanity right now, what would it be?
It would be this:
Don’t attach your self-worth to your net worth.
So what should you attach it to?
Don’t attach your self-worth to anything. Make it unconditional. Value yourself as you are now. There is no time to waste. A meteor could strike the world, and we could all die today.
Love yourself as you are right now. Including the flaws, shortcomings, regrets, mistakes, heartbreaks, losses, and things you did when you were blacked out – all of it. Forgive yourself. Forget the mistakes and remember the lessons.
Love yourself unconditionally. Once you love yourself, you can love others. You love others the way you love yourself. If you constantly beat yourself up, you will do the same to others. Most people are their own worst enemies. You love others as you love yourself, so be good to yourself. Be your own best friend and most excellent lover; others will want to be with you because you will treat them well. You will not be lonely and will always know that a gangster has your back. Because that gangster is you.