

The Surfing Machine: 10 Reasons To Surf
2020 has been a banner year for me.  I'm realizing my dream of living in Mexico and learning Spanish.  I live right, smack on the Pacific Ocean.  I hear the waves crashing when I fall asleep at night, then I wake up and ride them.  I finally learned how to surf here,...
Mail Disappeared at Customs
My voting ballot is stuck in the mail in Mexican customs.  I have until Nov. 3rd to mail it in.  The chances of me receiving it before then are slim to none.  It might take weeks to get here.  It might never get here.  To say that I am hurt, angry, and disappointed is...
Learning How To Surf in Mexico
Learning To Surf I've spent 2020 almost entirely in rural Ghana and Mexico.  I've been bitten by some mosquitos during that time, but no bug bit me as hard as the surfing bug.  I live a 10-minute walk from the Pacific Ocean and have been learning to surf over the past...
11 Interesting Facts About Ghana

11 Interesting Facts About Ghana

1) The earliest evidence of human civilization in Ghana is 50,000 B.C. 2) Ghana is at or near the geographic center of the world (0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude is off the coast of Ghana). 3) Ghana is an English speaking country, but is surrounded on three...

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