If the money bug isn't itching Then the sex bug is If it isn't them Then it's the mosquitoes There's no escape From the bugs Read more poems by Eddie. Watch Eddie’s videos.
The Glorious Act of Writing
In writing As in any Pure form Of expression One lives In the past The present And the future All at the same time Summoning acquired skills To communicate feelings Excited by the act of sharing them And the possibilities They might unlock A record that I was here And...
Poetry & Nonsense
Intro It's my belief that the most important things in life can be explained very simply. If you can't explain it in a few words, you probably don't understand it that well. The longer a person's explanation gets, the more likely it is to be inaccurate. The...
I am the way And the truth And the life Who believed in Jesus More than old Jesus? Nobody Read more poems by Eddie. Watch Eddie’s videos.
Jealousy preys on vulnerability It takes great courage To be vulnerable When you're surrounded By jealous vultures Have you ever been jealous Of someone who wasn't Better than you? The answer is no Jealousy feels the way it does Because it knows it's inferior Jealousy...
Morning Prayer
A morning prayer... Dear God I wish I didn't Have to share space With most of these idiots But since I do Please give me the patience To bear their presence One more day Amen Read more poems by Eddie. Watch Eddie’s videos.