Again – Trampled by Turtles (Cover by Eddie Signaigo)

by | Mar 11, 2025 | Music | 0 comments

Again – Trampled by Turtles


To me, this is a beautiful example of how a song doesn’t need to be complicated to connect with people.  The composition of this song is simple – it’s just three chords and basic strumming pattern – but the lyrics resonate.  It’s a poem in the form of a song.  I think that all great songwriters are great poets.  What makes them different from poets is that they can put their poems to music – that’s the trick.  I think that being a great songwriter is being a great poet, and being able to put those poems to music – even if the music is relatively simple.  A great poem set to music becomes a great song.  If the music is great, and the poem is great, then the song becomes a hit.  That’s just my take on it.  But what do I know?  Nothing.

I am a big fan of this band, Trampled by TurtlesWait So Long is one of my favorite songs by them.  They also did a great cover Where Is My Mind? by The Pixies.


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