Plush – Stone Temple Pilots
The intro to this song was the first thing that I ever learned on the guitar. I must have been about 10 years old. My best friend had an electric guitar and he showed me how to play it. He was already an accomplished musician even though we were only 10 years old. He could already play Für Elise by Beethoven on the piano.
I wanted to get a guitar and I asked my parents if I could get one. They said no and bought a piano, instead. My Mom took me to piano lessons. I didn’t have much interest in the piano, so I didn’t keep it up for very long. I used to make my Mom pay me to practice the piano.
I didn’t take up the guitar until I was 33 years old. What a mistake. I should have started following young Eddie’s dreams long before that. If you have a dream, start today. Whatever your age. Wherever you’re at in life. Start today. It’s not too late. If you have the dream, then you are meant to live it. We are all meant to live our dreams. Just start today and stay consistent. It will probably take way longer than you think it will. That’s fine. Just keep going. The only way to lose is to give up.
I can’t believe how many people have shared similar stories with me – about how they wanted to play the guitar when they were a kid, and their parents wouldn’t let them. What a tragedy. I hope I don’t make that same mistake when I become a parent. I probably won’t. I will probably make other mistakes, but not that one.
The Stone Temple Pilots were one of the great 90s rock bands. Some of my favorite songs by them include Interstate Love Song, Sex Type Thing, Wicked Garden, and Trippin’ on a Hole in a Paper Heart. Those songs remind me of being a kid in San Diego in the 90s. Apparently, the Stone Temple Pilots originated in San Diego. I was born and raised in San Diego – so we share that connection. Awesome.
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